- Bedroom one view one
- Bedroom one view two

- Bedroom two view one
- Bedroom two view two
- Bedroom two view three

- Living room view one
- Living room view two
- Living room view three
- Living room view four
- Breakfast
- Living room view five
- Another view of the living room

- Bathroom view one
- Bathroom view two

- Kitchen view one
- Kitchen view two
2 chambres
1 salle de bain
86 m²
2 WCs
Veuillez noter que tous nos appartements ont un numéro d’enregistrement de la ville de Paris. Il peut vous être envoyé sur demande.
Avis important
Le gouvernement français a officiellement annoncé qu’il interdirait tous les systèmes de climatisation fonctionnant à l’eau d’ici au 1er octobre 2024 car il s’agit évidemment d’un énorme gaspillage d’eau et nous devons tous agir sur ce problème environnemental du mieux que nous pouvons.
Par conséquent, comme la quasi-totalité de nos installations sont concernées par cette nouvelle loi, nous arrêterons l’utilisation de ces unités (à ce jour, ce sont les seuls systèmes que nous sommes en mesure d’installer dans les anciens immeubles parisiens) à la date légale. En ce qui concerne le confort de nos clients, nous fournirons des climatiseurs mobiles portables, des ventilateurs ou des refroidisseurs d’air en fonction des configurations de nos appartements.
Un emplacement incroyable au cœur du quartier de Saint-Germain-des-Prés, à deux pas du Jardin du Luxembourg et de la place Saint Sulpice. La rue Honoré Chevalier est une toute petite rue, charmante et calme à quelques encablures de l’animation du marché Saint-Germain. Le quartier de Saint-Germain-des-Prés reste «l’âme de Paris» et le berceau des Arts graphiques et littéraires, vous trouverez de nombreuses galeries d’art et librairies dans ce quartier vivant à l’énergie communicative. Un endroit idéal pour flâner sur les trottoirs étroits et les passages tortueux du quartier et ainsi voyager dans le temps et prendre un rafraîchissement au Café de Flore ou aux Deux Magots, sur les traces des artistes de la génération perdue et de la nouvelle vague, tels que Hemingway, Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, Truffaut, Godard…
L’appartement est exceptionnel, il est situé au premier étage d’un immeuble classique de la fin des années 1900. Un ascenseur vous emmène jusqu’à cet espace lumineux et spacieux de deux chambres avec des lits king-size divisibles, et une salle de bain avec baignoire, douche et WC (un deuxième WC séparé est mitoyen de la salle de bain), un salon spacieux et lumineux qui comprend notamment une table à manger. Le salon est ouvert sur une jolie cuisine équipée.
Cet appartement a été entièrement et élégamment rénové pour créer un espace parfait pouvant accueillir les familles ou les grands groupes, et ainsi rendre votre séjour idyllique.


Array ( [title] => Luxembourg Gardens [caption] => [url] => [alt] => Luxembourg Gardens [src] => [srcset] => 801w, 720w [sizes] => (max-width: 801px) 100vw, 801px [full_src] => [full_src_w] => 801 [full_src_h] => 534 [gallery_thumbnail_src] => [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100 [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67 [thumb_src] => [thumb_src_w] => 720 [thumb_src_h] => 480 [src_w] => 801 [src_h] => 534 )

Array ( [title] => Living room view one [caption] => [url] => [alt] => Living room view one [src] => [srcset] => 800w, 720w [sizes] => (max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px [full_src] => [full_src_w] => 800 [full_src_h] => 534 [gallery_thumbnail_src] => [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100 [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67 [thumb_src] => [thumb_src_w] => 720 [thumb_src_h] => 480 [src_w] => 800 [src_h] => 534 )

Array ( [title] => Living room view two [caption] => [url] => [alt] => Living room view two [src] => [srcset] => 800w, 720w [sizes] => (max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px [full_src] => [full_src_w] => 800 [full_src_h] => 534 [gallery_thumbnail_src] => [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100 [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67 [thumb_src] => [thumb_src_w] => 720 [thumb_src_h] => 480 [src_w] => 800 [src_h] => 534 )

Array ( [title] => Living room view three [caption] => [url] => [alt] => Living room view three [src] => [srcset] => 800w, 720w [sizes] => (max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px [full_src] => [full_src_w] => 800 [full_src_h] => 534 [gallery_thumbnail_src] => [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100 [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67 [thumb_src] => [thumb_src_w] => 720 [thumb_src_h] => 480 [src_w] => 800 [src_h] => 534 )

Array ( [title] => Living room view four [caption] => [url] => [alt] => Living room view four [src] => [srcset] => 800w, 720w [sizes] => (max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px [full_src] => [full_src_w] => 800 [full_src_h] => 534 [gallery_thumbnail_src] => [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100 [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67 [thumb_src] => [thumb_src_w] => 720 [thumb_src_h] => 480 [src_w] => 800 [src_h] => 534 )

Array ( [title] => Breakfast [caption] => [url] => [alt] => Breakfast [src] => [srcset] => 800w, 720w [sizes] => (max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px [full_src] => [full_src_w] => 800 [full_src_h] => 534 [gallery_thumbnail_src] => [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100 [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67 [thumb_src] => [thumb_src_w] => 720 [thumb_src_h] => 480 [src_w] => 800 [src_h] => 534 )

Array ( [title] => Living room view five [caption] => [url] => [alt] => Living room view five [src] => [srcset] => 800w, 720w [sizes] => (max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px [full_src] => [full_src_w] => 800 [full_src_h] => 534 [gallery_thumbnail_src] => [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100 [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67 [thumb_src] => [thumb_src_w] => 720 [thumb_src_h] => 480 [src_w] => 800 [src_h] => 534 )

Array ( [title] => Another view from the living room [caption] => [url] => [alt] => Another view from the living room [src] => [srcset] => 830w, 720w [sizes] => (max-width: 830px) 100vw, 830px [full_src] => [full_src_w] => 830 [full_src_h] => 554 [gallery_thumbnail_src] => [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100 [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67 [thumb_src] => [thumb_src_w] => 720 [thumb_src_h] => 480 [src_w] => 830 [src_h] => 554 )

Array ( [title] => Kitchen view one [caption] => [url] => [alt] => Kitchen view one [src] => [srcset] => 830w, 720w [sizes] => (max-width: 830px) 100vw, 830px [full_src] => [full_src_w] => 830 [full_src_h] => 554 [gallery_thumbnail_src] => [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100 [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67 [thumb_src] => [thumb_src_w] => 720 [thumb_src_h] => 480 [src_w] => 830 [src_h] => 554 )

Array ( [title] => Kitchen view two [caption] => [url] => [alt] => Kitchen view two [src] => [srcset] => 830w, 720w [sizes] => (max-width: 830px) 100vw, 830px [full_src] => [full_src_w] => 830 [full_src_h] => 554 [gallery_thumbnail_src] => [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100 [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67 [thumb_src] => [thumb_src_w] => 720 [thumb_src_h] => 480 [src_w] => 830 [src_h] => 554 )

Array ( [title] => Bedroom one view one [caption] => [url] => [alt] => Bedroom one view one [src] => [srcset] => 830w, 720w [sizes] => (max-width: 830px) 100vw, 830px [full_src] => [full_src_w] => 830 [full_src_h] => 554 [gallery_thumbnail_src] => [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100 [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67 [thumb_src] => [thumb_src_w] => 720 [thumb_src_h] => 480 [src_w] => 830 [src_h] => 554 )

Array ( [title] => Bedroom one view two [caption] => [url] => [alt] => Bedroom one view two [src] => [srcset] => 830w, 720w [sizes] => (max-width: 830px) 100vw, 830px [full_src] => [full_src_w] => 830 [full_src_h] => 554 [gallery_thumbnail_src] => [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100 [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67 [thumb_src] => [thumb_src_w] => 720 [thumb_src_h] => 480 [src_w] => 830 [src_h] => 554 )

Array ( [title] => Bedroom two view one [caption] => [url] => [alt] => Bedroom two view one [src] => [srcset] => 830w, 720w [sizes] => (max-width: 830px) 100vw, 830px [full_src] => [full_src_w] => 830 [full_src_h] => 554 [gallery_thumbnail_src] => [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100 [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67 [thumb_src] => [thumb_src_w] => 720 [thumb_src_h] => 480 [src_w] => 830 [src_h] => 554 )

Array ( [title] => Bedroom two view two [caption] => [url] => [alt] => Bedroom two view two [src] => [srcset] => 830w, 720w [sizes] => (max-width: 830px) 100vw, 830px [full_src] => [full_src_w] => 830 [full_src_h] => 554 [gallery_thumbnail_src] => [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100 [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67 [thumb_src] => [thumb_src_w] => 720 [thumb_src_h] => 480 [src_w] => 830 [src_h] => 554 )

Array ( [title] => Bedroom two view three [caption] => [url] => [alt] => Bedroom two view three [src] => [srcset] => 830w, 720w [sizes] => (max-width: 830px) 100vw, 830px [full_src] => [full_src_w] => 830 [full_src_h] => 554 [gallery_thumbnail_src] => [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100 [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67 [thumb_src] => [thumb_src_w] => 720 [thumb_src_h] => 480 [src_w] => 830 [src_h] => 554 )

Array ( [title] => Bathroom view one [caption] => [url] => [alt] => Bathroom view one [src] => [srcset] => 830w, 720w [sizes] => (max-width: 830px) 100vw, 830px [full_src] => [full_src_w] => 830 [full_src_h] => 554 [gallery_thumbnail_src] => [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100 [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67 [thumb_src] => [thumb_src_w] => 720 [thumb_src_h] => 480 [src_w] => 830 [src_h] => 554 )

Array ( [title] => Bathroom view two [caption] => [url] => [alt] => Bathroom view two [src] => [srcset] => 830w, 720w [sizes] => (max-width: 830px) 100vw, 830px [full_src] => [full_src_w] => 830 [full_src_h] => 554 [gallery_thumbnail_src] => [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100 [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67 [thumb_src] => [thumb_src_w] => 720 [thumb_src_h] => 480 [src_w] => 830 [src_h] => 554 )


Calendrier des disponibilités
- Baignoire avec douche
- Lits 180cm
- Canapé
- Lit pliant sur demande
- Peignoirs
- Bouteille d'eau à l'arrivée
- Café pour le bodum
- Produits pour le lave vaisselle
- Bouteille de vin à l'arrivée
- Bouquet de fleurs à l'arrivée
- Produit pour le lave linge
- Capsules nespresso
- Sacs poubelles
- Produits de la marque l'occitane
- Serviettes salle de bains
- Draps supplémentaires sur demande
- Assouplissant
- Rouleau de cuisine
- Sucre
- Thé
- Parapluies
- Air conditionné
- Enceinte bose portable
- Plaques de cuisson
- Tv avec chaines du cable
- Chauffage central
- Presse à café
- Bodum
- Assiettes et couverts
- Lave vaisselle
- Support de séchage
- Séchoir
- Appels gratuits vers les portables français
- Appels gratuits vers les téléphones fixes
- WIFI gratuit
- Petit congélateur
- Sèche-cheveux
- Internet haut débit
- Fer à repasser avec planche à repasser
- Four micro onde
- Machine Nespresso
- Four
- Frigo
- Machine à laver le linge
Tarif basé sur une occupation de 4 personnes. 250 euros par semaine par personne pour les personnes supplémentaires.
Pour la fashion week, prix sur demande.
Saint-Sulpice, Sèvres-Babylone or Rennes
95 - Michel Debré
Personnalisez votre séjour
Nous serions heureux de vous proposer certains de nos services supplémentaires. Si vous êtes intéressé, veuillez nous le faire savoir et nous vous enverrons un devis par courrier électronique.
Voir plus d'avis
Lovely spacious well appointed modern apartment with easy and secure access, lovely privacy, warm and homely, with excellent communication of local amenities and options, and supportive managers. This apartment made our trip feel so comfortable and easy and let us live like a local. Highly recommended and worth every euro spent. Thank you PVA. To be repeated.
We absolutely loved our month-long stay in this apartment. The location cannot be beat and the apartment was clean, well stocked with essentials and very comfortable. We did have some issues with construction noise from a renovation project in the apartment directly below ours, but found our host to be extremely responsive and communicative regarding the matter, which was appreciated. We will be back for sure.
Really lovely apartment in a fabulous location. Clara greeted us at the metro as the roads were closed (Olympic Opening Ceremony) and she could not have been more helpful. Thank you PVA – we will be back x
Amazing experience. This place is one of the few that has air conditioning. It’s a quiet place, your neighbors are local folks. Uber is very reliable. We walked a lot too. If you have not decided on a place yet, you need to grab this if it’s still available.
We had chosen this apartment so we could be in the Saint Germain area near Luxembourg Gardens. It was a true Parisian experience with gorgeous windows and very spacious! It is located in a perfect area for exploring Paris and a safe and quiet place to return to at the end of the day. We loved our stay there and would recommend this to anyone wishing to have a wonderful experience. The apartment managers were only a text or call away and they meet you when you arrive to explain everything in detail. We had also ordered a car service they have to bring us from the airport to the apartment. Everything was seamless so it removes any concerns.
We stayed at apartment for a week with our 2 boys. The apartment was clean and comfortable, and beautiful. We really enjoyed our stay, and it was very convenient to enjoy Paris. The host was always kind to explain everything. Will definitely visit again!
Perfect apartment! My husband and I stayed in the Chic Saint Germain Two Bedroom apartment for 2 weeks in November. The apartment is in a wonderful location- several bus and metro lines nearby as well as a taxi stand. The apartment is well equipped, nicely decorated and extremely comfortable. The neighborhood is quiet yet close to many restaurants, shops and boulangeries. Our greeter, Fred warmly welcomed us and explained the apartment’s amenities. He also made arrangements for a car to collect us at the end of our stay to take us to the airport. This is the third time we have used PVA and have never been disappointed in their apartments or the personal service they provide.
We thoroughly enjoyed staying at the apartment – after a 2 week trip travelling around France it felt like a home from home. Our ‘greeter’ (Nastasia) communicated well in advance of us arriving and provided an excellent orientation. The apartment was clean, tidy and well maintained and all amenities were as advertised. The location was excellent with easy access to public transport, plenty of local restaurants, bars and shops. And had a feeling that you were living like a local resident. We would definitely look to book through Paris Vacation Apartments in the future.
Wonderful hosts, beautiful apartment, location can’t be best.
There is nothing I would change about staying at this apartment and rental company! From being picked up from the train station, greeted at our apartment with wine, pastries and fresh flowers, to having all the space we needed for 5. Myself, husband, 21 and 17 year olds and my 75 year old mom. There is an elevator, but stairs are easy… And…. There is AC!! The location is ideal for getting anywhere in Paris on foot or using metro. Great food and shopping all around. Truly cannot say enough about this place!! They even arranged our car service back to the airport which was so nice and easy!
Our stay at this fantastic 2-bedroom apartment in the 6th arrondissement made this trip absolutely perfect! The apartment was exactly as pictured and described. The location was ideal. Our greeter Marie was so nice and very communicative. Clean! Light-filled! Nicely appointed! Wonderful for our Mother-Daughter-Granddaughter trip of a lifetime. I would highly recommend this apartment and will look to stay there again if/when I return to Paris.
We always love staying at your apartment.
A lovely experience in a beautiful neighborhood in Paris! This two bedroom apartment is everything you would dream an apartment to be in Paris! It was beautiful, clean, comfortable and very safe. If you have any questions they immediately respond and are so helpful! We were so close to the amazing Luxembourg Gardens which were a dream to walk and explore! This is the place to stay if visiting Paris!
Nice, comfortable roomy apartment very well appointed. Quiet street with little traffic. Easy walking distance to Blv St Germain and Luxembourg gardens. Kitchen well equipped but could have included salt and pepper. Convenient grocery stores and good bakery very close by. The welcome flowers and chocolate were appreciated. The airport transfer worked out flawlessly. Recommend the apartment and the airport pick up.
Spacious, well-equipped, comfortable beds, nice kitchen, great location – we’d love to come again!
2nd time I have rented this lovely apartment in the 6th. Located on a quiet street near Saint Sulpice and Luxembourg Gardens….. It is the perfect apartment for a girls’ trip or a couple traveling with children. Love that it has been freshly painted with white paint this year and it is bright and clean. Coffee and coffee maker supplied, as well as the usual PVA bottle of water and flowers. We have rented from PVA many times, and they are professional and wonderful to work with. Clara and Fanny are always availab to help answer any questions. We look forward to October!
Everything was perfect, just like the reviews and photos.
We thoroughly enjoyed the Saint Germain Chic Two Bedroom apartment in Paris. It was perfect for our party of 3, but would have also been perfect for 4 people. The rooms were all very generous in size (by any standard) and the apartment had all of the amenities to make our week in Paris truly relaxing. We also loved the location, which is a quiet part of the Saint Germain area very near Jardin du Luxembourg. We found the very near Cafe Madam a perfect spot for a quiet afternoon glass of white burgundy or a beer. The check-in meet and greet was very helpful and made settling in that much easier. The prearranged airport transfers were also a real plus and helped make the arrival and departure free of any issues. Overall we would highly recommend this apartment.
This apartment was absolutely beautiful and I hope to return!
Fabulous apartment in a perfect location.
My husband and I thoroughly enjoyed this spacious, pretty, well-equipped apartment in an excellent location near Jardin du Luxembourg, one of our favorite places. It was quiet, beds were comfortable, kitchen was nicely functional and attractive, living space seating was also comfortable. We really couldn’t have asked for much more, and look forward to booking this lovely apartment again
As advertised, the apartment is perfect. I stayed for a week and the check-in process was effortless, the apartment was clean, quiet and perfectly located. It is a short walk to the Luxembourg Gardens in one direction, and the activity of the Latin Quarter in the other. Also, metro, bus, Velib bikes, and Lime scooters are right around the corner. I loved my time there and would definitely stay again.
Great stay, responsive hosts, spacious and clean apartment, good shower, quiet street, a short walk from the shops and restaurants of Saint Germain. Will definitely stay again.
Very nice apartment!! Excelent Localization! Communication very quickly ! Do recommend!!
We thoroughly enjoyed our stay with PVA, and the apartment was extremely well located, very comfortable, perfectly clean and nicely decorated. The location of the apartment was fantastic, and we walked all over the left bank enjoying the St Sulpice area, St Germain, Luxembourg and beyond. Public transport was a breeze from there when we needed it. The building is very nicely maintained, and the apartment is up one easy flight of stairs. There is a lift which was so nice for handling the luggage on check in and check out. The PVA team was exceptionally responsive and pleasant. We had a few special requests which they managed very nicely. We would love to stay here and with PVA again!
Highly recommended. Clean, professional and well located
Wonderful apartment in prime location. Central to all the amazing sites of Paris. Would definitely recommend!
What a great Parisian appartement, located in the heart of St Germain in a quiet street, right behind Jardin du Luxembourg. The staff was so helpful and professional, our family had a wonderful time! Merci
Enjoyed our first Airbnb experience by discovering the core of Paris in this great appartement tastefully decorated, well furnished and Netflix/high speed wifi (happy son ;-). Great welcome from Fanny, always available and helpful. Recommend without hesitation!
We loved our stay in this charming Saint Germain apartment. The apartment is very thoughtfully designed with everything you could need. We also loved the decor and the surrounding area – great restaurants and very close to Jardin du Luxembourg. Would highly recommend & would absolutely stay here again!
Sehr zentrale und ruhige Lage, alles sehr gut organisiert. Gepflegte Räumlichkeiten. Ausstattung lässt keine Wünsche offen.
My wife and I had an amazing week in Paris. A large part of that is due to the location and comfort of this beautiful apartment. Everything was made easy – check-in, the local groceries and restaurants just a few feet from our front door, the spotless kitchen, the washer/ dryer… The location is incredible and within easy walking distance to the Seine, shopping on St Germaine, Latin Quarter, Luxembourg Gardens, Notre-Dame, the Louvre, etc, etc. We will be back to Paris and this will be our first choice when booking our accommodations.
The apartment is beautiful, tasteful and location couldn’t be better! Chris and Daria are amazing!!!!
This was the perfect place for our trip! My wife and I traveled to Paris with my mother for a 5 day trip to explore and see a few special art exhibits. The hosts arranged for someone to meet us at check-in and explain everything in the apartment, left great recommendations for us, and were very responsive throughout. The space was even bigger than we thought from photos and very comfortable for the 3 of us (would be equally comfortable for a family needing the living room cot too). Location was excellent, near wonderful shops and restaurants. All in all, we highly recommend!
We loved everything about our stay. The location is exactly where we wanted to be and the apartment had everything we needed. Will definitely stay here again.
Best location. Lovely and comfortable. Pierre Louis was most helpful. We will be renting from PVA again!
Our family of 4, with two small kids (3 and 5 years old), loved staying at Alexandre’s apartment and had a great stay there. The apartment is clean, spacious and centrally located near the gardens, restaurants, bakeries and shopping and has all the amenities you would need. The AC was a life saver in the hot weather and the washer/dryer was extremely useful. They were all super helpful and communicative. Highly recommend this place!
This is a great unit in a fantastic location. We stayed over Christmas with our 8 and 6 year old daughters. There is ample space and the unit is charming and well maintained. The unit is on a nice quiet side street just a few blocks from shops, restaurants, and the Metro. Alexandre and his team are also very responsive. We would go back without hesitation.
While small in size the apartment was perfect for our needs. It was well designed with a kitchenette that enabled us to prepare simple meals. It was safely tucked inside a quality building with onsite management. And the location was perfect. It was a short 100m walk to one of the best patisserie’s around, a wonderful cafe patronised by locals, and to two excellent supermarkets. St Germain is of course a pleasant walk to so many of the top sights in Paris. The hospitality of PVA team was exceptional. We were welcomed in on arrival, and provided flowers, bread and wine. Even better the instant response on two occasions we requested assistance was remarkable. Arriving home to a mobile air conditioner when the early heatwave hit was incredible. I would never waste time again searching other platforms. We will rent again from PVA in a heartbeat!
Fantastic location, great facilities, a very well appointed and beautiful apartment. We loved everything about it. Thank you for the wonderful stay
This apartment was amazing – enormous by Paris standards, in the heart of the St. Germaine, yet on a quiet street, and very comfortable. It’s hard to know where to start – the beds were very comfortable, the air conditioning worked very well, the shower was amazing and the entire apartment is beautiful and bigger than the photos. The location is excellent – there is a fantastic bakery (La Parisienne) just around the corner, a small Monoprix market next to the bakery, and several Metro stops nearby. Then there is the shopping, the bistros and the Luxembourg gardens, all just outside the door. And yet it was incredibly quiet at night. I would recommend this apartment to everyone and would 100% stay there again.
The apartment is stylish and very clean. The kitchen and bathroom are well equipped with everything you need to feel at home. We particularly appreciated the bath robes and L’Occitaine toiletries! The team were excellent at check in showing us around the apartment and the wine and flowers were a nice touch. There is lots of information in the apartment about the neighborhood and the Paris area. The apartment is in a great area. 5 minutes walk to the Jardin Du Luxembourg and easy access to a variety of metro lines which makes it easy to get around Paris. We also found it very easy to stroll to Musee D’Orsay, Le Louvre etc. The neighborhood is chic with great shopping. A good thing we only stayed for a week as any longer and we may have spent a little too much!
Location idéale. Belle appartement avec vue magnifique.
This apartment will not disappoint! It was absolutely beautiful, and in a fantastic location. Everything was clean and stylish, yet authentic Parisian. It’s located in a nice area of the city close the metro and many bakeries. The beds were firm but surprisingly comfortable. The apartment even had a stand up shower (I hear this is difficult to find in Paris), with an amazing rainwater shower head. They provided a wonderful welcome, complete with fresh flowers and helpful suggestions. The apartment has literally everything you could need while on vacation including coffee makers (french press too), IPAD, bottle openers, umbrellas, and the list goes on. We went in February, and the heat in the apartment worked great. They even set-up transportation for us to and from the airport with a private chauffeur, which was unbelievably helpful. I would absolutely stay here again!
Magnifique quartier, bel appartement très propre et facile d’accès. L’appartement est remarquablement bien situé; nous avons apprécié l’accueil efficace de Clara et sa réactivité en ce qui a trait au problème du lave-vaisselle. Arrivée et départ très faciles et simples.
Spacious, clean, well appointed apartment in a great central location. Easy walking distance to restaurants, markets, shopping, and many tourist attractions. Wonderful patisserie, La Parisienne, just a short two blocks away!! In Saint Germaine district bordering Latin Quarter. Yet a bit removed from the hustle bustle. On a quiet street a block away from Luxembourg Gardens. Host was very responsive answering inquiries promptly. Detailed information provided for check-in along with many helpful recommendations. Would definitely stay again on future visits to Paris.
Renting Saint Germain Chic and Luxury Two Bedroom apartments: After the fabulous assistance from the PVA team, we booked the 2 adjoining apartments for a week over the Christmas period. We were 8 adults (4 couples) celebrating a significant birthday and Christmas. The apartments are exactly as advertised and even better. It was the little touches like having all the cooking and entertaining equipment that you needed, wine decanter, Nespresso machines, shopping carts and umbrellas, basically everything that you could think of was there to use. We had a wonderful week staying in the St Germaine apartments and would highly recommend PVA. Thanks again and we look forward to staying with you again.
Lovely apartment!!. The location was exquisite, very convenient point to get to Paris main attractions. We will definitely stay here again.
An excellent location in a lovely neighborhood. Classic French building, windows. Very light and airy space. Comfortable beds
« Beautiful, perfectly equipped and clean apartment in a very nice neighborhood! Stores, parks, cafes, everything is nearby, but the street itself is quiet. Super friendly host! »
The apartment is attractive, a great size, and in a very good location. It is located on a quiet street (except for a couple times a day when the school kids are passing), that is very close to lots of restaurants, boulangeries, and sights. The Luxembourg Gardens, St. Sulpice, and the Pantheon are within short walking distance, and a variety of other tourist sights are not too much farther away. Our hosts were quick to reply to our messages and very happy to work with our schedule, allowing us to drop off our bags early in the day. The apartment comes with everything you need, including a binder with local restaurants and destinations of interest. We would very happily stay here again.
Dear PVA Team! We LOVED our stay in the Saint Germain Chic apartment. We have rented apartments in Paris for over 15 years and this was an exceptional stay. I will definitely recommend your company to our friends and will use PVA for our next stay in the fall. Merci!
The Chevalier apartment was terrific because the location was so convenient to everything we love about the left bank and yet it was like being in a neighborhood, away from the traffic and noise. For those who have never rented an apartment in Paris, have no fear in renting online from Alexandre. There is someone to meet you at the apartment to explain everything about the apartment. There are always fresh flowers and goodies to great you upon your arrival. And, the book prepared by the rental service explains everything about the apartment, the neighborhood, restaurants, bistros, medical, etc. You really couldn’t ask for more.
Paris Vacation Apartments provide outstanding service. From the time of booking right through to organising a taxi for our departure, we cannot fault them. Everything was professionally done, taken care of or thought of. The apartment was as beautifully presented and clean as the photos suggest. The attention to detail provided to us – from the luxuriously fluffy towels, laundry detergent, lap top computer (though we didn’t need it) inclusion of internaitonal phone calls, croissants and bottle of wine on arrival, extensive information on restaurant recommendations and things to do nearby, organising a taxi for our departure and calling us to advise they were running 10 minutes late, made our stay in St Germain chic two bedroom and absolute pleasure, and made it excellent value for money. And they even arrived with a box of chocolates and bottle of champagne for Christmas. All this, after I had mistakenly informed them we were arriving a day before our actual departur
on Ile St Louis, and at St Germain Chic two bedroom. Both apartments were spacious, spotlessly clean and welcoming in every way… though the sofas at Isle St Louis were charming… not comfortable for stretching out and relaxing. Both apartments are will equipped for cooking, have lots of fluffy towels and cozy robes. Each has a special attraction. When you open your outer door on Isle St Louis you are looking at the River and have a beautiful walk home over the bridge. St Germain Chic is 2 blocks from the Luxembourg Gardens, close to the outdoor market and wonderful shops on Raspail. Everyone connected with Paris Vacation Apartments is helpful and attentive. Go and enjoy!
This apartment was everything described and more. We travelled with our two teenage daughters, and there was plenty of room for all of us. The apartment was well-equipped and in a quiet neighborhood within walking distance to shops, metro, restaurants, the Luxembourg gardens and even the Right Bank. Dealing with PVA was a pleasure from our first inquiry through arrival and check-out. We hope to return soon and will not hesitate to rent from PVA again.
I have rented from PVA 5 times and each time was a wonderful experience. The apartments are all in extremely good locations. The bathrooms and kitchens are large and modern. The apartments are lovely, and each time I stay in one of their apartments I truly feel like I am living in Paris, and experiencing the neighbourhood. I would never stay in a hotel again when I can have a large apartment as nice as theirs to enjoy. I cant wait to rent the next one. The rue Honore Chevalier is a beautiful, spacious apartment, just off Place Saint-Sulpice, close to restaurants, and shops, metros, and markets, especially farmers markets, Blvd. Saint German, and the Luxembourg Gardens. The apartment has floor to ceiling windows in the living room and bedrooms, a lovely living room and a large dining room. It could not have been more perfect in all respects. The staff are very welcoming, and very helpful. They are available to us 24 hours a day for any questions or issues.
This was a very comfortable apartment for four adults. It was exactly as advertized on the website, in appearance as well as amentities. The furnishings were freshand stylish and the apartment was very clean. The location was excellent for touring the city. The customer service was also excellent. We would recommend not only this apartment, but also Paris Vacation Apartments to anyone visiting Paris.
The apartment was perfect from the moment we entered it! We are a family of four and everyone had more than enough room to do what ever they needed to. It was very bright and clean. The kitchen was well stocked. The bathroom was a good size, and the water closet perfect for what it is. The beds were comfortable and the bedroom had ample room to unpack your clothes. The location was wonderful! It was close to a few metros, bakery, restaurants, a beautiful park, and GREAT shopping! It was a very safe neighborhood and I let my kids (teenagers) wonder through the streets knowing that they would be alright. And, for me that is very important! Clara was sweet and understanding. She met us at the Apartment when we arrived and showed us how everything works. The only draw back was that I don’t have a good memory and I had a hard time figuring out the washing machine and dryer. The instructions were only in French so that was the only difficulty I had. It would h
I stayed with a friend at the Chic St Germain 2 bedroom apartment, after receiving a recommendation from a friend who had previously used parisvacation apartments. It was an extremely positive experience from start to finish. The flat was exactly as pictured – beautifully appointed, spacious, luxurious and absolutely spotless, with all mod cons! The free internet access and phone calls to Australia was much appreciated and all the staff were very prompt in responding to any enquiries, right from the outset, and a pleasure to deal with! I would highly recommend PVA to anyone!!
We were fortunate to stay at the recently completed apartment – Honoré Chevalier in January 2011. It was ideal for our family of 4 as our travelling companions, a family of 5 secured the adjacent apartment which made it very convenient with plenty of space and privacy for each as required. The apartment was very well suited to our needs, well appointed with a great guide to our location in the 6th arrondissement and the Paris Vacation services. We were met punctually by a representative from PVA on arrival even though we were earlier than originally stated and everything was comprehensively explained. The apartment was brand new and extremely comfortable with a great deal of thought and care taken in its design and furnishings. Our teenage children really appreciated their own space and we all relaxed into Parisian apartment life. We explored the local area exhaustively and thought we were very well situated though it had not been our 1st choice of location. We exper
” Having rented apartments several times in the past few years from various agencies, for the first time in January 2011, we rented an apartment (Saint-Germain Chic) from Paris Vacation Apartments (PVA). In one word, wonderful. More than expected. It was such a pleasure dealing with PVA. Booking the apartment was so very easy
Best This is the second apartment that my family and I have rented from PVA team. This apartment like the prior one was excellent. It was like a home away from home. It had everything from dishes and towels to umbrellas and shopping cart. It is very spacious and well thought out unit. I give a lot of credit to the PVA team.They are professional, courteous, and respectful of one’s expectation. I would love to go back.
Voir moins d'avis
Lovely spacious well appointed modern apartment with easy and secure access, lovely privacy, warm and homely, with excellent communication of local amenities and options, and supportive managers. This apartment made our trip feel so comfortable and easy and let us live like a local. Highly recommended and worth every euro spent. Thank you PVA. To be repeated.
We absolutely loved our month-long stay in this apartment. The location cannot be beat and the apartment was clean, well stocked with essentials and very comfortable. We did have some issues with construction noise from a renovation project in the apartment directly below ours, but found our host to be extremely responsive and communicative regarding the matter, which was appreciated. We will be back for sure.
Really lovely apartment in a fabulous location. Clara greeted us at the metro as the roads were closed (Olympic Opening Ceremony) and she could not have been more helpful. Thank you PVA – we will be back x