
  • Bedroom view one

  • Living room view one

  • Kitchen view one
Voir le plan
Cliquez sur la pièce pour voir les photos

  • 1 chambre

  • 1 salle de bain

  • 57 m²

  • 1 WC

  • Climatisation

  • Ascenseur


Veuillez noter que tous nos appartements ont un numéro d’enregistrement de la ville de Paris. Il peut vous être envoyé sur demande. 

Avis important
Le gouvernement français a officiellement annoncé qu’il interdirait tous les systèmes de climatisation fonctionnant à l’eau d’ici au 1er octobre 2024 car il s’agit évidemment d’un énorme gaspillage d’eau et nous devons tous agir sur ce problème environnemental du mieux que nous pouvons.
Par conséquent, comme la quasi-totalité de nos installations sont concernées par cette nouvelle loi, nous arrêterons l’utilisation de ces unités (à ce jour, ce sont les seuls systèmes que nous sommes en mesure d’installer dans les anciens immeubles parisiens) à la date légale. En ce qui concerne le confort de nos clients, nous fournirons des climatiseurs mobiles portables, des ventilateurs ou des refroidisseurs d’air en fonction des configurations de nos appartements.


Un emplacement incroyable au cœur du quartier des antiquaires de Saint-Germain-des-Prés surnommé «l’âme de Paris» à deux pas de la Seine et de la célèbre école des Beaux Arts. Saint-Germain-Germain demeure toujours «l’âme de Paris» et un berceau pour les Arts graphiques et littéraires. Un endroit idéal pour flâner sur les trottoirs étroits et dans les passages tortueux de ce quartier pour ainsi voyager dans le temps et prendre un rafraîchissement au Café de Flore et aux Deux Magots sur les traces des artistes de la génération perdue et de la nouvelle vague, tels que Hemingway, Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, Truffaut, Godard…

Cet appartement est situé à une adresse réellement exceptionnelle, dans un immeuble classique de la fin des années 1800, à quelques pas du boulevard Saint-Germain, à côté de la Seine et du célèbre pont Neuf, en face du Louvre. Un petit ascenseur vous mène à ce charmant appartement qui donne sur une jolie et typique cour d’immeuble parisien. Il se compose d’une chambre avec un lit king size divisible, un grand dressing, un confortable salon avec une cuisine ouverte, et une salle de bain avec WC séparé. Il a été entièrement et élégamment rénové pour créer l’espace parfait pour rendre votre séjour enchanteur.


    [title] => Living room view one
    [caption] => 
    [url] =>
    [alt] => Living room view one
    [src] =>
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    [src_h] => 534
Living room view one
    [title] => Living room view two
    [caption] => 
    [url] =>
    [alt] => Living room view two
    [src] =>
    [srcset] => 800w, 720w
    [sizes] => (max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px
    [full_src] =>
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    [thumb_src] =>
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    [src_w] => 800
    [src_h] => 534
Living room view two
    [title] => Living room view three
    [caption] => 
    [url] =>
    [alt] => Living room view three
    [src] =>
    [srcset] => 800w, 720w
    [sizes] => (max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px
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    [thumb_src] =>
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    [thumb_src_h] => 480
    [src_w] => 800
    [src_h] => 534
Living room view three
    [title] => Living room view four
    [caption] => 
    [url] =>
    [alt] => Living room view four
    [src] =>
    [srcset] => 
    [sizes] => (max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px
    [full_src] =>
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    [full_src_h] => 536
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    [thumb_src] =>
    [thumb_src_w] => 720
    [thumb_src_h] => 480
    [src_w] => 800
    [src_h] => 536
Living room view four
    [title] => Living room view five
    [caption] => 
    [url] =>
    [alt] => Living room view five
    [src] =>
    [srcset] => 800w, 720w
    [sizes] => (max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px
    [full_src] =>
    [full_src_w] => 800
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    [thumb_src_w] => 720
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    [src_h] => 534
Living room view five
    [title] => Bedroom's entrance
    [caption] => 
    [url] =>
    [alt] => Bedroom's entrance
    [src] =>
    [srcset] => 800w, 720w
    [sizes] => (max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px
    [full_src] =>
    [full_src_w] => 800
    [full_src_h] => 534
    [gallery_thumbnail_src] =>
    [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100
    [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67
    [thumb_src] =>
    [thumb_src_w] => 720
    [thumb_src_h] => 480
    [src_w] => 800
    [src_h] => 534
Bedroom's entrance
    [title] => Kitchen view one
    [caption] => 
    [url] =>
    [alt] => Kitchen view one
    [src] =>
    [srcset] => 800w, 720w
    [sizes] => (max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px
    [full_src] =>
    [full_src_w] => 800
    [full_src_h] => 534
    [gallery_thumbnail_src] =>
    [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100
    [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67
    [thumb_src] =>
    [thumb_src_w] => 720
    [thumb_src_h] => 480
    [src_w] => 800
    [src_h] => 534
Kitchen view one
    [title] => Kitchen view two
    [caption] => 
    [url] =>
    [alt] => Kitchen view two
    [src] =>
    [srcset] => 
    [sizes] => (max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px
    [full_src] =>
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    [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67
    [thumb_src] =>
    [thumb_src_w] => 720
    [thumb_src_h] => 480
    [src_w] => 800
    [src_h] => 536
Kitchen view two
    [title] => Kitchen view three
    [caption] => 
    [url] =>
    [alt] => Kitchen view three
    [src] =>
    [srcset] => 800w, 720w
    [sizes] => (max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px
    [full_src] =>
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    [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67
    [thumb_src] =>
    [thumb_src_w] => 720
    [thumb_src_h] => 480
    [src_w] => 800
    [src_h] => 534
Kitchen view three
    [title] => Bedroom view one
    [caption] => 
    [url] =>
    [alt] => Bedroom view one
    [src] =>
    [srcset] => 800w, 720w
    [sizes] => (max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px
    [full_src] =>
    [full_src_w] => 800
    [full_src_h] => 534
    [gallery_thumbnail_src] =>
    [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100
    [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67
    [thumb_src] =>
    [thumb_src_w] => 720
    [thumb_src_h] => 480
    [src_w] => 800
    [src_h] => 534
Bedroom view one
    [title] => Bedroom view two
    [caption] => 
    [url] =>
    [alt] => Bedroom view two
    [src] =>
    [srcset] => 800w, 720w
    [sizes] => (max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px
    [full_src] =>
    [full_src_w] => 800
    [full_src_h] => 534
    [gallery_thumbnail_src] =>
    [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100
    [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67
    [thumb_src] =>
    [thumb_src_w] => 720
    [thumb_src_h] => 480
    [src_w] => 800
    [src_h] => 534
Bedroom view two
    [title] => Bedroom view three
    [caption] => 
    [url] =>
    [alt] => Bedroom view three
    [src] =>
    [srcset] => 800w, 720w
    [sizes] => (max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px
    [full_src] =>
    [full_src_w] => 800
    [full_src_h] => 534
    [gallery_thumbnail_src] =>
    [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100
    [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67
    [thumb_src] =>
    [thumb_src_w] => 720
    [thumb_src_h] => 480
    [src_w] => 800
    [src_h] => 534
Bedroom view three
    [title] => Bathroom view one
    [caption] => 
    [url] =>
    [alt] => Bathroom view one
    [src] =>
    [srcset] => 800w, 720w
    [sizes] => (max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px
    [full_src] =>
    [full_src_w] => 800
    [full_src_h] => 534
    [gallery_thumbnail_src] =>
    [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100
    [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67
    [thumb_src] =>
    [thumb_src_w] => 720
    [thumb_src_h] => 480
    [src_w] => 800
    [src_h] => 534
Bathroom view one
    [title] => Bathroom view two
    [caption] => 
    [url] =>
    [alt] => Bathroom view two
    [src] =>
    [srcset] => 800w, 720w
    [sizes] => (max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px
    [full_src] =>
    [full_src_w] => 800
    [full_src_h] => 534
    [gallery_thumbnail_src] =>
    [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100
    [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67
    [thumb_src] =>
    [thumb_src_w] => 720
    [thumb_src_h] => 480
    [src_w] => 800
    [src_h] => 534
Bathroom view two
    [title] => One view from the bedroom
    [caption] => 
    [url] =>
    [alt] => One view from the bedroom
    [src] =>
    [srcset] => 800w, 720w
    [sizes] => (max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px
    [full_src] =>
    [full_src_w] => 800
    [full_src_h] => 534
    [gallery_thumbnail_src] =>
    [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100
    [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67
    [thumb_src] =>
    [thumb_src_w] => 720
    [thumb_src_h] => 480
    [src_w] => 800
    [src_h] => 534
One view from the bedroom
    [title] => The building's courtyard
    [caption] => 
    [url] =>
    [alt] => The building's courtyard
    [src] =>
    [srcset] => 800w, 720w
    [sizes] => (max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px
    [full_src] =>
    [full_src_w] => 800
    [full_src_h] => 533
    [gallery_thumbnail_src] =>
    [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100
    [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67
    [thumb_src] =>
    [thumb_src_w] => 720
    [thumb_src_h] => 480
    [src_w] => 800
    [src_h] => 533
The building's courtyard

Calendrier des disponibilités



  • Bain et douche américains
  • Baignoire avec douche
  • Lit 180cm
  • Canapé-lit
  • Lit pliant sur demande


  • Peignoirs
  • Bouteille d'eau à l'arrivée
  • Café pour le bodum
  • Produits pour le lave vaisselle
  • Bouteille de vin à l'arrivée
  • Bouquet de fleurs à l'arrivée
  • Produit pour le lave linge
  • Capsules nespresso
  • Sacs poubelles
  • Produits de la marque l'occitane
  • Serviettes salle de bains
  • Draps supplémentaires sur demande
  • Assouplissant
  • Rouleau de cuisine
  • Sucre
  • Thé
  • Parapluies


  • Air conditionné
  • Enceinte bose portable
  • Plaques de cuisson
  • Tv avec chaines du cable
  • Chauffage central
  • Presse à café
  • Bodum
  • Assiettes et couverts
  • Lave vaisselle
  • Support de séchage
  • Séchoir
  • Appels gratuits vers les portables français
  • Appels gratuits vers les téléphones fixes
  • WIFI gratuit
  • Sèche-cheveux
  • Internet haut débit
  • Fer à repasser avec planche à repasser
  • Four micro onde
  • Machine Nespresso
  • Four
  • Frigo
  • Grille-pain
  • Machine à laver le linge


Du 01 mars au 07 novembre
2070 € / semaine
Du 08 janvier au 29 février
1740 € / semaine
Du 8 novembre au 17 décembre
1740 € / semaine
Du 18 décembre au 7 janvier
2130 € / semaine

Tarif basé sur une occupation de 2 personnes. 250 euros par semaine par personne pour les personnes supplémentaires.
Pour la fashion week, prix sur demande.



95 - Jacob

Personnalisez votre séjour

Nous serions heureux de vous proposer certains de nos services supplémentaires. Si vous êtes intéressé, veuillez nous le faire savoir et nous vous enverrons un devis par courrier électronique.


    We had a wonderful stay there! Our greeter, Clara, was so nice and so was the cleaner whom we got to meet because we arrived early to drop off the luggage’s. The nicest ladies! Location was terrific!

    5 out of 5

    This apartment is ideally located in the 6th District so it is easy to walk to numerous sites (Mus’ee du Louvre, Mus’ee D’Orsay, Cathedrale Notre-Dame, Pont Neuf Bridge, Luxembourg Gardens to name a few) which visitors to Paris want to see when in Paris. To visit sites beyond walking distance, there are multiple METRO stations in the area. There are also multiple VERY GOOD Cafes, Brasseries and Restaurants in the area. Another unique experience this apartment provides is living like local Parisians’ live since it is located in a residential area. Having rented this apartment several times when visiting Paris, we can only share our thoughts. BTW: We have always found Paris Vacation Apartments (pva2rent) an EXCELLENT company to rent from.

    Linda & Reg Price

    I am not sure I could put into words how amazing our apartment was for our stay in Paris. It is within walking distance to the Louvre, Notre Dame, Musee D’Orsay, and many more must see stops in Paris. The apartment was big enough for my family of three to stretch out and have some privacy and the kitchen allowed us to have some smaller meals while we were there to save some money. Check-in was easy and flawless. The apartment has such a cozy feel. The apartment is private and kind of tucked away from the street but very easy to access as well as being incredibly safe. I would give it 10 stars if I could. We will absolutely be staying in this apartment when we come back.The apartment was absolutely amazing. We did not have a great experience with a Airbnb in London and we were so happy once we got to your apartment. Clara and Chris were wonderful to deal with. I wish I could give 10 stars.


Voir plus d'avis

We had a wonderful stay there! Our greeter, Clara, was so nice and so was the cleaner whom we got to meet because we arrived early to drop off the luggage’s. The nicest ladies! Location was terrific!

5 out of 5

This apartment is ideally located in the 6th District so it is easy to walk to numerous sites (Mus’ee du Louvre, Mus’ee D’Orsay, Cathedrale Notre-Dame, Pont Neuf Bridge, Luxembourg Gardens to name a few) which visitors to Paris want to see when in Paris. To visit sites beyond walking distance, there are multiple METRO stations in the area. There are also multiple VERY GOOD Cafes, Brasseries and Restaurants in the area. Another unique experience this apartment provides is living like local Parisians’ live since it is located in a residential area. Having rented this apartment several times when visiting Paris, we can only share our thoughts. BTW: We have always found Paris Vacation Apartments (pva2rent) an EXCELLENT company to rent from.

Linda & Reg Price

I am not sure I could put into words how amazing our apartment was for our stay in Paris. It is within walking distance to the Louvre, Notre Dame, Musee D’Orsay, and many more must see stops in Paris. The apartment was big enough for my family of three to stretch out and have some privacy and the kitchen allowed us to have some smaller meals while we were there to save some money. Check-in was easy and flawless. The apartment has such a cozy feel. The apartment is private and kind of tucked away from the street but very easy to access as well as being incredibly safe. I would give it 10 stars if I could. We will absolutely be staying in this apartment when we come back.The apartment was absolutely amazing. We did not have a great experience with a Airbnb in London and we were so happy once we got to your apartment. Clara and Chris were wonderful to deal with. I wish I could give 10 stars.


We enjoyed a MOST marvelous week in the lovely apartment in St Germain! Every need was anticipated as our stay was made most comfortable and convenient. We found the location to be perfect for walking, dining, and seeing all of the exquisite sights! The warm welcome was not only informative, but a delightful personal touch by the marvelous team. We hope to return and enjoy, once again, both the charming hospitality and marvels of Paris!

Leslie Brown
5 out of 5

We stayed for 2 weeks in this lovely apartment. Check in was easy, and the apartment was exactly as pictured. The apartment is centrally located and walkable to many cafes and grocery stores, and is quiet as the unit is set back from the street. The black out drapes were effective, and bedding comfortable. The mid-stay cleaning was appreciated.

Jennifer Charles
5 out of 5

This is my 3rd time in this spacious apartment. It is very well appointed and in an excellent, quiet location. The people who greet you are always friendly, knowledgeable and willing to help with any issue or information that you require. The wine, flowers, chocolates and water are always a nice touch. Also, the added service of a driver to take you to and from the airport and help you with your luggage is always worth using, it saves a lot of time and effort.

Raymond Watts

We just spent 10 days here and it was perfect in every way. All the amenities we needed, quite, fabulous location. Several Metro stations are within easy walking distance and the neighbourhood is worth exploring. There are dozens and dozens and dozens of great restaurants in the vicinity. On each of the 10 days we were there, we walked more than 10,000 steps each day, and one day we even walked 21,000 steps. If you get a chance, stay here.


We were at this beautiful apartment for one wonderful week. The apartment was exactly as depicted in photos and description. It owned a delightful “feel” with plenty of room (an amazing closet) and very clean throughout. Loved the large bathroom! The location could not be beat as it was close to all destinations and only one block from the seine. We didn’t cook but the kitchen looked fully stocked. Even though there are many restaurants and bistros right in the neighborhood it was very quiet at night and the bed was comfy with great pillows. Everything one would hope for in an apartment during a weeks trip to Paris was fulfilled! We highly recommend!

5 out of 5

This apartment is an excellent choice when staying in Paris. It is perfectly located in the art district of St. Germain des Pres, close to the Seine, several Metro stops, and dozens and dozens of good restaurants. The apartment itself is a perfect size for two people, surprisingly quiet and well equipped. I would certainly consider stay at PVA’s apartment here again.

Brian Maltby
5 out of 5

this is the third time we have used pva and the second stay in this apartment. Pva’s customer service is second to none. A greeter is there on arrival to explain all the ins and out of the apartment and the local area. The apartments are beautifully finished with all essential necessities. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend paris vacation apartments .

Anna Hopkins
5 out of 5

Amazing location and beautiful apartment. Host was communicative and welcoming.

5 out of 5

Loved my stay here. Very central – could walk everywhere and metro was also easy. Great place to explore st Germain area – so many sweet restaurants and galleries. The apartment was extremely peaceful and quiet at night. Kitchen had everything you need. The bathtub was a plus for me. Would definitely stay here again. Nastasia was very responsive and booked a driver for me to gare du nord

Katherine Simon
5 out of 5

Fabulous host, space and location. Unusually large primary bedroom, bathroom and closet. I’m the heart of St. Germaine, would stay there again in a second.

5 out of 5

Nastasia was extremely prompt in responding to my questions, and helpful in every aspect of learning about the apartment. It was a perfect stay!

5 out of 5

The apartment was spacious, clean and has a great location. The neighborhood has lots of restaurants and shops. Easy walk to the Louvre and the river.

Priscilla Whiteaker
5 out of 5

This apartment is lovely, has all the amenities for a week’s stay in Paris, and is conveniently located for walking the left bank. The check in process was very easy and I appreciated the hosts flexibility on timing to meet me. The apartment was spotless and I particularly appreciated the comfy bed!

Colette Heald
5 out of 5

We really enjoyed this apartment with all its amenities. The location provided accessibility to all Paris has to offer by foot, by metro, or by boat. Clara was a most gracious host and the airport transportation arranged by PVA worked perfectly. We will confidently utilize Paris Vacation Apartments for any future Paris vacations. Thank you very much for contributing to a wonderful experience for us in Paris.

Karen and John Heim
5 out of 5

This apartment is ideally located in the 6th District so you can experience what it is like to live in Paris as a Parisian. Easy walking distance to the Musee Du Louvre, Musee D’Orsay, Notre Dame, Pont Neuf Bridge (built during the Roman Empire), Luxembourg Gardens, Sainte-Chapelle, Jardin Des Tuileries and more. Many Cafes, Brasseries and Restaurants in the area. Easy access to multiple METRO Stations. We have rented this apartment multiple times when we have visited Paris. Always pleased with how PVA to Rent has treated us. We have also rented other apartments from PVA to Rent when we have been traveling with family and friends. You will not be disappointed with the location and how you are greeted by PVA to Rent.

5 out of 5

The location was perfect. We had a market, bakery, and many restaurants close to apartment. The apartment was clean, nice furnishings and spacious, we had everything we needed. We had already been on a tour so being able to relax and do some cooking at the apartment was perfect. We had rented apartments from PVA in the past and we are always very satisfied with the service and apartments are always as advertised and always in very good locations. It is great having someone there to greet you and show you around and how to work all appliances, etc. We have told our friends about renting from PVA and hopefully we will be able to return to our favorite city, Paris, again in the future!

Jean and Alex Lopez
5 out of 5

The apartment was cozy and comfortable. Hosts sent lots of helpful information about the area (left bank, St. Germaine region). Many excellent cafes and restaurants close by. Close to the Louvre and Tuileries Gardens and a 2 mile walk to the Eiffel Tower.

Peg Ciarcia Newbold
5 out of 5

Loved the apt! Amazing location! Close to everything and easily walkable. St germain is a great location to visit Paris. So many great restaurant, shopping, vibrant vibe. Apt was quiet despite the location. Marie was so nice and an excellent greeter

Alice Choe
5 out of 5

Très agréable

Frederic Burot
5 out of 5

This is a cozy little apartment perfect for one or two people to stay in. It is decorated beautifully, as are all of the PVA apartments I have stayed in, and the PVA team goes out of their way to make you feel at home and ensure you a comfortable stay. Although the rooms are small, it is well-equipped with everything you need to truly live-in here. The bed in the bedroom can be split into two twins. The walk-in closet is quite large and easy for two people to share and have room for all of their things in the ample drawers and hanging spaces. The one large bathroom is off of the living area with both a luxurious shower and a tub/shower combo and the toilet is in a separate little room, again making the apartment easy to share. There is even a washer/dryer for your laundry. All the appliances are very modern. When you first arrive, a member of the PVA team is there to great you and take you around the apartment, showing you where everything is and how things work and answer any questions you have. They will also make suggestions for you on places to eat and other things of interest in the neighborhood. A nice touch is the bottle of wine and something special from the bakery that they leave for you.. Shops, bistros, etc. are right outside your door in the charming neighborhood of Saint-Germaine.

Diane Jayson
5 out of 5

Took my son on a special trip and this apartment was perfect for us. We were met upon check in with flowers and a lovely clean apartment. I liked that the bed could be unzipped to be two singles. Safety was super important flying solo with a kiddo and we were so happy. Such a clean, wonderful place!

Rebecca Frost
5 out of 5

Took my son on a special trip and this apartment was perfect for us. We were met upon check in with flowers and a lovely clean apartment. I liked that the bed could be unzipped to be two singles. Safety was super important flying solo with a kiddo and we were so happy. Such a clean, wonderful place!

Rebecca Frost
5 out of 5

Perfect location in the heart of the 6th arr. Walking distance to Louvre and great places to eat.

Kim Hawley
5 out of 5

We had a wonderful stay – already missing the apartment’s charm, location, and “real” parisian feel. Paris is magical and this is an ideal spot to spend time exploring! The hosts were kind enough to drop off some New Years champaign and chocolate for us which was a really kind touch.

Dana Kaplan
5 out of 5

We had an excellent stay at this lovely and stylish apartment. It had everything we needed — outlets near the mirror, A/C, incredible shower, and a huge closet/dressing area.

Tracey Gonzalez
5 out of 5

This apartment was exactly what we dreamed for our getaway in Paris and absolutely have done a lot to make our days even more special. The location is fabulous, the space is perfect for a couple with big room, bathroom and it even offers a closet. The kitchen is really well equipped and we could enjoy and live like locals, doing groceries around the neighborhood and cooking our very own parisian meals. We are already planning to come back soon

Laís Bemerguy
5 out of 5

Hello PVA Team. We could not have been happier with our experience renting our vacation apartment from your company. This was the first time we had ever stayed somewhere other than a hotel anywhere and were trilled with the experience. You came highly recommend from a couple who utilized your service with a group of friends in 2014. From the moment we booked our months stay last August everything was perfect – from the reservation process, payments, email communications throughout the year, checkin, checkout, cleaning service, ground transfer to CDG. The apartment was great – especially the shower! And the neighborhood could not have been more perfect for us – it was exactly what we were looking for – an experience in a real neighborhood but close to restaurants, metro stations, museums and sites. We would absolutely recommend PVA to anyone looking to stay in Paris. Should we return to Paris we will certainly use PVA for our accommodations. Merci Beaucoup!

Gary & Catherine Simms
5 out of 5

We had an Excellent (5*) stay at your lovely 1 bedroom apartment on Rue de Beaux Arts in St Germaine! The flat was clean, and is simply, but adequately, furnished with a comfortable bed, modern bathroom and kitchen, plus lots of natural light—and air con! a HUGE PLUS during the very hot days we were in Paris. My only suggestion for improvement is to leave some written instructions on how to use the television. I have used Paris Vacation Apartments twice now, and you exceeded my expectations both times! We will definitely book through you again. Merci!

Claudette Glubka
4 out of 5

We loved the location. It was within easy walking distance of many central attractions. Plus, the neighborhood was busy, inviting and varied as close as a block away. The street that the apt is located on is quiet even though lots of activity is nearby. There are many nearby restaurants, groceries and shopping stores. The apt itself was a nice change from hotels and had most amenities to make the stay comfortable. There were a couple of things that broke during our stay and the management company came right over and fixed them. The bedroom air conditioner was broken before we arrived and as a result the bedroom was a little warm for sleeping. We were told it would take weeks to get it repaired. We certainly would recommend the location, the apartment and the management company.

Angelo and Rhonda Licata
5 out of 5

Very comfortable apartment in quiet and pleasant neighbourhood. Just far enough away from the very touristy area. Attention and see ice were excellent. My only small reservation is that if you wish to cook the facilities are not all that good. But there are so many excellent restaurants around that this is not a real issue. Highly recommended.

Warren Friend
5 out of 5

We loved this apartment. We visit Paris annually and Paris Vacation Apartments was the fifth agency we’ve worked with and was hands down the best. The apartment was impeccably clean and well maintained – not one single thing was shabby, wonky or not working. It’s the only time a rental apartment looked identical to the photos on line. The bedroom is quiet and has a comfortable bed. We had reservations about twin beds pushed together to make a king, but they must be secured because you couldn’t even tell they were twin beds and they never came apart. The closet is a spacious walk in with built-in drawers and tons of wood hangers. It was the ideal space to store the suitcases and our shopping. The kitchen, which looks small in the photos, is quite well laid out and perfectly fine for a vacation. There is a toaster, Nespresso machine, a French press (and a full canister of coffee!), tons of tea bags and sugar. The kitchen had everything we needed in easy reach. There’s air conditioning, which we didn’t need, and the windows let in plenty of fresh air. The apartment is on the first floor French, and we preferred to leave the shutters closed (there was still plenty of air circulation). Pierre greeted us and he moved four window planters so we could close the shutters, without it being a big deal. The living room has a comfortable sofa and the WiFi worked well. The bathroom is split so the toilet is in one room and the sink, tub and shower are in another. There is a mirror over the stylish sink which cleverly swivels to shelves on the back. Shampoo, conditioner, soap, etc. are supplied, as are fluffy towels. The shower is INCREDIBLE. Also in the bathroom are a separate washer and dryer which Pierre showed us how to use. The building is on a quiet street and has an elevator which helps with the suitcases. As beautiful and functional as the apartment was, the thing that really impressed us was the experience with PVA. They were without a doubt the easiest to deal with and there were so many little touches that demonstrated that they put their guests’ comfort and convenience first. Pierre greeted us with delicious croissants and a bouquet of gorgeous flowers. They provide an iPad for you to use while you’re there and a USB charger so you can plug all your devices in with your cables and not bother with a converter. Abundant toiletries. Coffee, sugar and tea bags (not a few – enough for two weeks). The location on Rue des Beaux Arts is perfect – a quiet street lined with galleries that is close to the Seine, five minutes from Carrefour (groceries) and Blvd. Saint Germain. We’ve looked for the perfect Paris apartment for a long time, and we’ve finally found it.

Leslie Rohn
5 out of 5

Excellent apartment in a quiet peaceful location with everything needed for a couple. This is our second stay here and we thank Pierre-Louis and team for the your fantastic service. Always prompt to answer calls and offer assistance where needed. Professional, friendly and with a full understanding of our needs and requirements. As experienced travellers, we highly recommend Your Paris Vacation Apartments and this St Germain apartment in particular. Many thanks.

Raymond and Erica Watts
5 out of 5

We stayed for 2 weeks in this charming apartment. It was a home away from home. It is a very spacious one bedroom apartment. Generous sized rooms. The bathroom is excellent with a great shower. It is very quiet and the afternoon sun is lovely. Thank you PVA team for a most wonderful stay in Paris.

Terry Ashman
5 out of 5

We stayed at 12 Rue des Beaux Arts in September, 2018 and our overall experience was excellent. Our PVA person, Daria, was completely organized, kept on top of all communications, and arranged everything for our stay perfectly, including making arrangements for our transport to and from the apartment at the beginning and end of our stay. She met us at the apartment and carefully showed us everything we would need to know for our stay. The apartment itself is clean, spacious, and quiet. The bedroom has a large walk-in closet. The separate living room means that jet-lagged guests can deal with their insomnia without disturbing their companion. The kitchen is well-equipped, including a small but effective dishwasher. This allows for easy and quick breakfasts or the occasional light lunch. The shower is excellent with plenty of hot water. The shower area includes an excellent washer and dryer. The location is also excellent, quiet, yet within a short walk to museums, the Seine, and a wide selection of restaurants. Overall, we enjoyed our stay and would highly recommend this apartment to others.

William Brown
5 out of 5

Dear PVA Team (and Fanny who greeted us) Your apartment was absolutely beautiful and exactly as the photos on the website depicted. We felt very comfortable here and a fantastic location. It made our week in Paris perfect. We will be very happy to recommend your company to our friends in Australia. Thank you to the team for providing a wonderful accommodation with excellent attention to detail.

Sandra & Alan Castle
5 out of 5

This apartment is lovely. Neighborhood is nice, plenty of restaurants in walking distance, public transportation very close by, and many amenities we did not find in other European stops. We forgot a few important things at check out and were on our way to the airport when we received a called from Clara – the cleaning lady had found them – and were able to get back to pick them up. This was greatly appreciated! The elevator is a big help with luggage but it is very tight. Not sure if a wheelchair would fit in it. We had three people and it worked out well.

5 out of 5

This is the second time we’ve rented with pva & yet again we received excellent service. Fred was there when we arrived. He showed us through the apartment & gave us his mobile phone number & email address in case we needed anything.The apartment was just as it looked on the website. Beautifully appointed with everything we required for our week in Paris. The 2 airconditioners were a godsend as Paris was in a heatwave when we were there. It is in a superb location, amongst quirky art studios & a wealth of cafes & food markets. S

Anna & Peter Hopkins
5 out of 5

We have returned now to our home in Australia and wanted to let you know how wonderful our stay in your Beaux Arts Apartment was for us. From the very moment we were warmly welcomed by Pierre, we could see that all our needs were catered for and we could enjoy the relaxed space and all the facilities provided. Every detail was carefully thought of and the gorgeous bouquet of roses, Bordeaux wine and fresh croissants just topped it off. The bed was very comfy, the dressing room was a real bonus and the bathroom was a great size and well equipped , having separate bath as well as shower. The living room and kitchen had all we needed and the collection of books on Paris was a great resource. Being able to use the internet and phone was very helpful.The location was perfect for us and the quietness of the apartment was amazing, so rare.

Erika Watts
5 out of 5

The apartment was perfectly located, well furnished for traveller, the bed was comfortable and the location is quiet day & night which is critical to us.

5 out of 5

This is a nicely appointed apartment which, like the majority of PVA apartments, is in an ideal location. The bedroom was comfortable and light with double windows and a dressing room, no less. The kitchen dining area worked well. The bathroom (as with all the PVA apartments we have stayed in) was well appointed with a decent size bath – great after a long day walking the shops/museums/galleries. We would certainly return to this apartment.

Leonard & Carol Mair
5 out of 5

We were met on arrival by Karina who explained everything in this beautiful apartment. The location is amazing, just one street from the river and five minutes from the beautiful cafes and restaurants of Saint Germain. The apartment is in a quiet elegant street. The apartment has everything you require and is beautifully appointed. The bedroom and bathroom are elegant and the kitchen has everything you could wish for. Our departure was as efficiently organised as our arrival with a taxi booked for us and with fred on hand to ensure all went to plan. We are about to book our next Paris holiday and would not stay with anyone else.

Steve and Leonie
5 out of 5

We stayed at the flat for 11 nights from September 3 – 14, 2012. The flat is in the best location possible and we walked everywhere except to the Sacre Coeur. It’s only one block from the Seine. There are lots of shops and restaurants in the area which are outstanding. The flat is quiet which was very important to us. It was also very spacious and had everything we needed for make our stay enjoyable. Having the use of a phone to call Canada was a bonus as well as being able to use the computer to stay in touch given the 8 hour time difference. Fred and Chris were very helpful when called upon which made our stay very enjoyable. We would definitely stay at this flat again when visiting Paris.

Charlene Shephard
5 out of 5

We love PVA and always choose one of their beautiful apartments when visiting Paris. This apartment did not disappoint. Very quite and comfortable. Conveniently located in Saint-Germain, the location could not be beat. Would stay here again. Meet and Greet was perfect and we always enjoy the fresh flowers and breakfast pastries.

John Gitter
5 out of 5

The apartment is charming, nicely furnished with several fine extras. The kitchen is well appointed and has all the necessary elements for preparing a meal. The ice machine is a particularly nice touch. The bathroom is elegant and the bed is perhaps the most comfortable I have ever slept in. Among the nice additions are carts for grocery shopping, umbrellas, and guide books.   A special binder is provided with instructions on how to use the various appliances, where to shop, suggestions for dining, English speaking doctors, etc. Fred met us at the apartment, welcomed us with a bottle of wine and breakfast croissants. There were fresh flowers as well. He then spent nearly an hour with us explaining everything from how to work the ice machine to how to take care of the trash. Practical and informative. Plus, there is a company representative available 24 hours if there are problems.   Amenities are exceptional: wifi, telephone, cable tv, washer/dryer, etc. The apa

Jim and Laurel Gallivan
5 out of 5

This apartment is everything you could ask for in accommodations in Paris.  It is centrally located, easily accessed and more room than you will ever find in a hotel with ALL the comforts of home. The kitchen has everything you need to prepare simple meals to gourmet meals. Having the computer in the apartment was very convenient as well as being able to call home without having to worry about long distance charges. Clara was very helpful and was there whenever we needed her.  She made sure the apartment was cleaned during our stay as we were there for 14 days.  As well, she booked our taxi for our ride back to the airport. This alone saved me more grief than you will know. We were so close to everything and it would not be an exaggeration to say you could easily walk to the Eiffel Tower from this apartment.  We actually walked back to the apartment from the tower. There are bars, bistros, cafes, boulangeries, patisseries, and groceries stores all within an ea

Susan and Peter THIVIERGE
5 out of 5

This apartment is centrally located and only one block from the Seine River. It is close to restaurants, markets, public transport, the Louvre, the Museum De Orsee and is situated in a nice quiet area. The apartment itself is extremely comfortable, spacious and had all necessities we required and very quiet. The contact by representatives from the company during the booking process and leading up to our arrival was second to none. I could not fault them. They told us everything we needed to know and were more than helpful when we arrived, answering all our questions and providing expert advice and information on everything. I would have no hesitation in using Paris Vacation Apartments again and staying in the same apartment. I highly recommend them.

Russell Fletcher
5 out of 5

Excellent location, quite street but very close to all attractions in the 6th and very short walking distance to the Louvre.  Beautifully maintained apartment and very good concierge service on arrival and departure.

Dianne Stewart
5 out of 5

“The apartment was modern and spacious, with all the amenities of home.  The location was fantastic – very central – close to several restauants, and within walking distance to a number of Paris’ sights.  Never having rented an apartment in our travels, we did not know what to expect and were extremely happy not only with the apartment and its location, but also the service.  We were greeted upon arrival, responded to quickly with questions we had during our stay and allowed a late check out to align with our flight home.  I would highly recommend Paris Vacation Apartments.

Teresa Shepherd

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